Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Comparing Pictures

I was drawn to this image because there is so much going on, that it is easy to not notice the man with the cross.  With all that is going on in the center of the image. I chose to frame the image with a close up because I wanted the framing to focus on the man with the cross. The image has a virtual line of the man looking up at something. We do not know what it is but there is  a line created from it. I also found that there was no space in the image to focus on anything else. The original image is definitely a deep shot but the close up turns it into a flat shot. The close up makes it just the man and the cross dominate the picture. I think it between the two pictures there is an interesting contrast and affinity. The picture that I cropped almost looks something like Jesus, while the mythical creatures that surround the picture make it seem like something out of a Greek story. I think the man in the corner is what drew me to this picture. He was so separated from everything else and so small compared to what else is in the picture, so I thought it would be interesting to see what he would look like cropped. I think that the artist chose to frame the picture the way he did because he wanted to emphasize the size of these creatures in relation to the man. You have this tiny man sitting in the foreground, while even far in the distance these creatures still look massive and threating. It makes me wonder whether the man in this picture is assuming a defensive position. He has the cross pointed at these creatures, so we could be warding them off, or trying to bring them over to him  

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