Friday, March 11, 2011

Blog 10B

I think that I enjoyed the part that said normal is not good. I liked this part because I agree normal is not good. You should try and be different and unique. I can imagine he made this influence his work by having this fact. I think being not normal is good. You should try and be yourself. Not someone who you are not. Because being someone who you are not is bad, it is not good. That is why I think not being normal is good. I do see some correlation between the work he does and what he has written here. I think having spirituality makes it easier for him to better understand the world around him and how it functions and works.

Blog 9B

Blog 10A

Read this Here

Ok this article was very interesting, I think the main thing it was trying to convey was not be afraid of having weaknesses and that you will not be great at everything. I found this entire article to be very interesting. In this summary I will be focusing on three aspects of the article. The first one is to build on your strengths, I would use this by making up for my weaknesses, for example if I was not the best with people, I would you my strength of framing and understanding of shooting to make up for that weakness. I would also try and make sure to try and have my strengths be known. The more I work the more I think I will fully understand my strengths and weaknesses. The second part I chose was Whats my problem. I liked this part because it helps me understand how I can use my weaknesses to better understand my strengths. I think people telling use what is wrong with us makes us feel less good. But we are still great and no one is perfect. The people who make masterpieces just understand better what they are good at and not good at. It is very acute skill but still very important to have. I think understanding this is extremely important. I would to understand this by keeping a notebook, and writing down what your good at and not good at. It is very important to understand these things so you can better be a creative person. The other one I liked was the power of uniqueness. I think everyone has a unique voice, and everyone has something they are strong at, if people who are strong at things understand what they are strong and weak at they will better understand what they can bring to they table. That is the thing I will always try to remember. what I can bring to the table. Looking at myself I have learned that I am good at editing, and good at looking at footage and constructing a scene, sometimes however I am not the best at conveying my ideas to people through my words and understanding what I need to tell people. Looking at and understanding a career and becoming a good artist is essential. I try to look at my weaknesses and understand what can make me a good artist and what can make me a bad one. I always try to understand how to become a good creative artist. I look at people like george lucas who understood their weaknesses, he understood that he should not be directing and so he did not. For empire strikes back that is. That is why many times it is considered the best of the star wars films. 

Blog 9A

In the gaming presentation we tried to convey a certain message. I think two things that got lost in the presentation were the story and the HUD. The story was very complex and I had like no part in the story. We did not even create a HUD for the game. I really did not feel I had a big contribution to this game. We used a previous game design for this which is why I had little opinion because it was a previous idea.  I think we had a strong point in our characters, and a weak point in our plot, because it was confusing. I think this project would be much better if we could use a simple program to create a game demo. I think that would get the message across much better.  I think the rules are the hardest thing to convey in these presentations. With these power points it is really hard to convey rules, because it turns into a laundry list and you have to use your imagination to really understand them. Rules turn into a laundry list of things so i think it is hard to keep them entertaining.

Blog 8B

Petes Video is not up

Click here

Critique : I could only find a video game character for Chris Rush and his partner. There video tried to use color by making a use of hue. Hue is manipulated by making the hero a green color, and the villain a blue. They made their villain have much more saturation while the villain was much darker than the hero. This helps make their villain appear more menacing. The hero and villain have a contrast and affinity. The picture contrasts eachother because the hero smile and the villain frowns. The affinity between the pictures because both characters have a square head. There is subjectiveness in the video comes from because you have to look at the irishman and understand it means good luck. Objectiveness comes from looking at what colors they are 

Blog 8A

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